Hi, I'm Natalie Coombe
I've spent 10 years helping big name companies transform their businesses, growing sustainably, maximising their profits while delighting their clients and retaining amazing people.
And now I'd like to help you.
"I'm working my arse off but just don't seem to be making any money! How do I fix it??"
"I've got more work than I can handle, how do I bring someone else on board and still have enough money left over to pay me?"
"We're growing so fast, how do I scale this business without burning out?"
"I'm paying my contractors more than me and I STILL have to redo their work, there's gotta be a better way!"
"How do I keep our clients satisfied and coming back for more without lowering our prices?"
"How, and when do we hire the right people and how do I keep them happy?"
"How do I get the revenue to pay my team what they're worth?"
"We seem to have hit a barrier to growth and I'm not sure how to grow beyond it?"
"How do I get myself out of the day-to-day grind to focus on doing what I love and moving the company forward?"
I’ve spent the last 10 years helping businesses across the world, big and small, answer these questions. And I know it’s possible, because I’ve done it, not just consulting but actually delivering results within the business.
Here are some of the companies and brands I've had the privilege of working with:
And here are just some of results I've achieved:
180% increase in operational profit on always-on international campaigns, going from loss making to highly profitable
YOY profit increased by 25% whilst doubling team size from 30 to 65 people
Revenue earnings on FMCG client account by increased by 30%, transforming from understaffed to fully-specced
Target client opportunities expanded 10x, from just 10 to 1000+, enabling more clients to buy more often, more easily
Project scoping quality and time efficiency by improved by 75%
I love to help people and companies achieve their goals and solve their challenges. But bringing in a full time consultant to help transform your business is often out of reach for smaller businesses.
However, I don't want your size to be the thing that stops you from having success!
So to help entrepreneurs at all stages of business I've created a series of Business Transformation Programmes.
Leveraging all my learnings and 20+ years of business experience, I'm sharing with you my tools, templates and techniques that I used every day to create reliable, profitable business growth and help you build the business that works for YOU! And I’ve created this in order to enable entrepreneurs and business owners to do the transformation themselves.
Because knowing where to focus your energy in order to get the best return on your time is critical, especially when you've got a business to run.
My Business Transformation Programmes focus on three key pillars for building a successful business:
Developing profitable, fit-for-purpose pricing models
Hiring, developing and retaining talented staff
Building reliable, effective and efficient ways of working
Because the key to scalable delivery is this:
Getting the right people, to do the right job, at the right time, for the right price.
And while this sounds simple, there’s a lot that goes on in the background to make this a reality. But when you begin to get these building blocks in place it starts to free you up from the day to day grind, so you can work on your business rather than in it, while consistently delighting your clients, making yourself some money and keeping your staff happy.
So If you’re at the point where you’re ready to make some changes, even if your not quite sure where to start, book in a strategy session and let’s see how I can help you achieve your goals.