Would you like to go from under-charging, working-all-the-hours, and feeling stressed out...
To being a savvy profit-makin' business boss who:
Charges profitably for the value she gives her clients (while oozing total confidence)
Only does the work she really loves
(no more work that isn’t profitable or doesn’t light you up)
While only working the hours she wants!
(no more burning the midnight oil)
YES? Then it's time to get the hands on guidance and support you need to finally nail your pricing and make this your most profitable year yet.
I know you're here because...
You love what you do and want to make a difference in the world.
But yet it feels SO darn hard to make the money you want and need.
You got into business for more freedom and flexibility.
To be able to work where ever you want, when you want. And to have more time to spend on yourself and your loved ones
And yet you’re working waaay more hours than you did as an employee, and the more clients you get the more overwhelmed and stressed you feel.
Am I right?

If I am and this is where you’re at,
I’m about to throw down a Truth bomb…
You need your business to work for YOU and your loved ones...not just for your clients!
So getting your pricing right really, bl**dy matters. Because if you don’t get it right, and you aren’t making enough profit it can hurt...
Your Health
Your Relationships
Your Business
And no one wants that.
That’s why I’m here to help you Nail Your Pricing™ once and for all!
Just Imagine...
Getting your evenings and weekends back to spend them doing what you love with the ones you love (not sitting alone staring at your computer late into the night)
Having money in abundance to spend on whatever you want (not just the bills or the kids' school fees)
Only working the hours you want so you can enjoy a life that’s about more than just work. Whether that’s being there for your kids after school, getting back into the gym, or traveling the world (working on your terms while still earning more profit = Yes Please!)
Truly believing in the mega value you bring to your clients lives so you have the courage to charge what you're worth (never wavering on your prices again!)
Feeling excited and motivated about the year ahead, confident it’ll be the success you want it to be (smashing your profit-makin’ goals, without burning out)

"After just 3 months my earnings are on track for a 400% increase while working only 4 hrs a day - less than HALF what I was before! This is a life changer!"
Sel Leigh, Leigh Development

Nail Your Pricing™ is my 12 Month Group Profit Building Experience, with an upfront 6 week, Pricing Accelerator designed specifically for service-based business owners. Think: coaches, consultants, designers, virtual assistants, photographers, marketers, and so many more.
During 6 weeks of LIVE coaching time together, I’ll walk you through my 6 Step Profitable Pricing Process ™ and teach you how to:
Ditch the pricing guesswork so you can quote with confidence
Confidently charge what your services are actually worth - unlimiting your profitability
Stop working late into the night and every weekend, so you get your life and sanity back!
Make MORE PROFIT in a more reliable, repeatable, and sustainable way.
Pay yourself a bl**dy good salary, not just the leftover scraps...because your salary is NOT a reward, it’s a fixed business cost (don’t worry, we’ll go into how to make that happen too.)
The best news is, this is a Get Sh*t Done style coaching programme, and we’ll actively do the work as we go. By the end of our six weeks together you will have already made massive changes to your mindset and confidence, and as well as your pricing.
Having Ms. Coombe checking my homework was the game changer for me! These Nail Your Pricing™️ weekly zoom meetings...keep you accountable and on track to finish the work and make the changes you need to create a profitable and sustainable business.
- Heidi - Zesty VA
Let's build you a rock-solid financial foundation.
What you get inside Nail Your Pricing™
Let’s be clear, Nail Your Pricing™ isn’t just any old online programme. I’ll be there holding your hand every step of the way. So you never have to figure out the answers all by yourself.
The way that Natalie structures Nail Your Pricing™️ and the hands on support is outstanding. I am guilty of often not finishing online courses but with this one it was easy. Natalie keeps you committed the whole time and each week builds on each other. So highly recommend it!
- Louise Blakely - Business Coach

What's In The Box...

7 highly practical virtual learning modules
So you can step through the Profitable Pricing Process™ with ease. And not just now but for any time in the future - You have lifetime access!

Small group coaching experience
Community, camaraderie, and the reassurance that comes from like-minded women who are experiencing similar challenges.
6 Weekly group coaching & review sessions via Zoom
so you’re not left to figure it out on your own - we can refine your pricing and services together, step-by-step.

A high-level of personal attention from me!
Live feedback from me on every activity you do and a ‘no question left behind’ policy, means you can be confident your pricing is right.
7 Proven Pricing Tools & Activities
You receive my proven pricing tools and activities I’ve spent 20 years developing to take the guesswork out of your pricing
12 month support and accountability to make your goal a reality
Accountability and regular check-ins is proven to make you 95% more likely to succeed and make your goals a reality this year.
Get these special bonuses whenever you join:
Supercharge Your Time Mini-Course. Discover the value of your time so you get your evenings and weekends back.
The Essential Capacity Planner. The simple way to NEVER overbook yourself again! More time, less stress.
Have No Fear Email Templates - Worried about telling your clients your prices are going up? These email swipe files will take the fear away.
4 Pillars Of Profitability Guide. Find out what you need to change in order to get more profit out of your business.
And remember, once you’ve done the work, you’ll have these skills for life. So you can use them again and again to create profitable pricing for your future services and offers.

"I've paid myself more in the last 12 months since doing this work, than in the last 3 years COMBINED, and while working less hours! I’m forever grateful."
Candice Baker, The Marketing Baker
How The
6 Step Profitable Pricing Process™
Week One: 17th October 2022
Set Your Lifestyle and Business Vision.
By the end of this step you'll have defined the business and lifestyle YOU WANT so you can create a clear action plan to make it happen.
This is where you get to decide how you want to be living, as well as working. And remember, your version of success is the only one that matters!
Tool: Business & Lifestyle Vision Workbook (with all the prompts you need to design a life and business you love!)
I’m so glad I did Nail Your Pricing™️! Now I feel more confident that I can make my business work on the hours I've got available!”
Jane - Health & Wellness Expert

Week Two: 24th October 2022
Create Your Super Easy Future Facing Business Budget.
This is the secret sauce to being able to afford to invest in all the tools and resources your business needs to be a success.
As a result of this activity you’ll have a robust 12 month business budget so you can invest in your business with confidence, knowing you’ll make a return on all your investments.
I’ll also show you how to recoup the cost for this investment so it basically pays for itself! Magic!
TOOL: Your Future Facing Business Budget (pre-filled with all the common expenses solopreneurs need)
BONUS: 3 Questions To Decide Where To Invest Next
Yay! I used to hate looking at numbers, but having a business budget is a game changer!”
Sally Tudhope - Website Expert
Week Three: 31st October 2022
Calculate Your Healthy Charge-Out Rate
As a result of step 3 you’ll know exactly what you need to charge or earn per hour so you can pay all your bills, AND your salary, only working the hours you want.
This makes sure you’re earning enough for every hour you DO want to work to cover for every hour you don’t!
This is where you get to factor in things like 3 day weeks, only working school hours, having 12 weeks off to go traveling, or not having to work school holidays.
All of that, without having to take a pay cut!
TOOL: Your Profitable Charge-Out Rate Calculator (this is plug & play, so you just put in what you want to earn, and how you want to work and the calculator does the rest!)
BONUS: Discover The Four Pillars Of Profitability Putting You In Control Of Your Profit
Now I know how to calculate my billable rate in line with what I want to be earning. I’m now confident I’ll hit my target salary of $70k this year"
Karyn - Payroll Expert

Week Four: 7th November 2022
Discover The True Value Of Your Services
By the end of this step you’ll truly understand and believe in the value of the services you provide, giving you the courage and confidence to charge what you’re worth. Because it’s only when YOU truly believe that your clients will too!
Knowing your value is at the core of Value Based Pricing which is the most powerful pricing method.
This method unlocks your profitability, because it’s no longer about how many hours it takes or how much it costs, but instead it's about how valuable your service is.
Value Based Pricing also makes pricing conversations a whole lot less awkward, because it’s no longer about YOU and your value (eek!), but rather it’s about the change you help your clients to achieve and how valuable that is to them.
TOOL: Know Your Value Worksheet (walking you step-by-step how to calculate and articulate the real value of your services)
How To Profitably Price for Memberships & Groups
How To Calculate Your Value When You Work With Individuals
How To Calculate Your Value When You Work With Corporates
Nailing my pricing has meant that I have found my confidence in myself. I now KNOW I am worth every cent and that is priceless” -
Sel - Business Strategy Expert
Week Five: 14th November 2022
Create Profitable Packages Your Clients Love And Can Afford.
Whether you offer fixed priced packages, bespoke projects, 1:1 coaching, or run an online programme, creating profitable offers that meet your clients needs, and that they can actually afford is critical for enabling you to scale easily without burning out.
As a result of this exercise you will have redefined and streamlined the way you deliver to better meet your clients needs and budgets all while earning more for every hour you work.
TOOL: Your Profitable Packages Calculator (this clever tool will help you get real clear on how you deliver the best results AND what you need to charge for it!
How To Include Contractors In Your Pricing So You Can Scale Profitably
How To Discount Without Damaging Your Profitability
How To Reduce Your Price Without Reducing Your Profit
The packages pricing was the best. No more hesitating, second guessing myself and working for free. And every month I can see what I've earnt and how much of that is MY salary.”
Jessica - Product Design Expert

Week Six: 21st November 2022
Develop Your Own 12 Month Profit Strategy
As a result of this activity you’ll be crystal clear on your offerings, prices and your sales targets, taking the guess-work out of turning a profit.
This enables you to create a sales and marketing plan that doesn’t just achieve your goal revenue target but your goal salary as well.
AND only working the hours you WANT! No more setting big targets only to burn yourself out making it happen!
TOOL: Your 12 Month Profit Strategy Calculator (this is like your very own crystal ball enabling you to plan for a future you love and get crystal clear on what steps you need to take)
Top Strategies For Transitioning Your Existing Clients On To Your New Pricing
Price Increase Email Take-N-Tweak Templates
One of the biggest things I learned was how to price my packages correctly - game changer! Now I totally understand what I need to charge to be successful in business, and I KNOW it’s achievable!
Maria - Mental Health Expert
Week Seven: 28th November 2022
Create a robust 90 Day Action Plan to turn your goal salary into a reality.
It’s not enough to just put numbers in a spreadsheet - to get results you have to take action!
To make sure you get the results you need, you’ll also create a 90 Day Action so you have an actionable weekly plan to make your goal salary a reality, without all the overwhelm!
TOOL: Your 90 Day Action Plan Workbook (super practical and easy to follow!)
BONUS: Top Ten Profit Building Strategies
I truly feel I have a clear path to achieving my income goals now. I know exactly how to do it and I can feel my business growing before my very eyes.“
Gemma - Copywriting Expert

You may be wondering...
Here’s the thing…
The online biz world is full of people proclaiming they can
help you to make more money, but most of the time…
their promises fall short.
When you put your trust in and work with me
you’re not getting a one trick pony.

Hi, I'm
I’m a profit coach who’s been transforming businesses and fixing profitability for nearly 25 years. I've run startups and managed the commercials for teams of 300+, improving profitability, scalability and sustainability. So it’s safe to say I’m not an overnight know-it-all!
I’ve transformed the profitability of top international companies in London and Europe, and worked behind the scenes with iconic brands such as Dyson, Rolex, Unilever, Nike, and American Express.
Using the tools and processes I developed during my career, Within 19 months of starting my own online business, I built a 6-figure business, paying myself a full time salary working just 3 days a week.
And I have helped 100s of small business owners make their own business and lifestyle dreams a reality.
And let me be clear. There’s no smoke and mirrors here.
I’m not into social media highlight reels, hustle culture, or simplistic, ‘just do it’ solutions. Because the reality of life for many women in business is complex , and that approach just doesn’t cut it.
The real proof that my knowledge and know-how actually works, is via the hundreds of women in biz that I’ve helped and guided through my 6 Step Profitable Pricing Process™.
Because they’ve made massive shifts in their business profitability too.
It’s opened up a whole new realm of what’s possible for them, their family, and the lifestyle they get to create.
Here's what some of them have to say...

"Nail Your Pricing has given me the confidence to charge what my services are actually worth, not what I think people can afford to pay. I truly feel I have a clear path to achieving my income goals now. I know exactly how to do it and I can feel my business growing before my very eyes."
Gemma Knight, Gemma Knight Writes
"I’ve increased my salary by 30% just from making one small change, and without increasing my prices! I now know I can provide for my family with just my business."
Kim Garside, All Smilez Art

“Before I didn't feel I had good control of my finances or the big picture. I couldn't figure out how to grow my business to the next level so I could go from making money, to making GOOD money! Now I feel in control of the money stuff in my business which is huge for me. It's invaluable really, I wish I'd found you earlier!!!”
Michelle Sokolich, Show & Tell
Wondering if Nail Your Pricing is right for YOU?
Here's a quick check...
Are you a sole trader or solopreneur running a client serving business?
(Sorry, Nail Your Pricing isn’t right for product-based businesses. If you have a team <10ppl let's talk to see if NYP is right for you or service-based businesses with teams.)
Do you want to make your business work for you AND your lifestyle, instead of being in constant hustle and grind mode?
Do you have a proven track record of delivering services and results, even if that was in previous employment or a different business?
Are you committed to making your business a profitable success but in a way that’s healthy and sustainable for you?
Did you answer YES to these? Then you can be confident that Nail Your Pricing is a PERFECT MATCH for you.
"I reckon I made at least
another $20k from
this programme!"
- Louise Blakely, Hooked On Marketing
Pay yourself what you’re worth
doing what you love,
only working the hours you want!
Enroll Today!

So What's The Investment?
The awesome news is Nail Your Pricing is less than ⅓ of the investment of working 1:1 with me, because I want you to keep as much of the money you're making!
So, are you ready to create a rock-solid financial foundation that allows you to grow a thriving business you love, paying yourself a kick-ass salary, while living the lifestyle you really desire?
Can’t wait to see you on the inside!
Choose the Nail Your Pricing Plan
That Works Best For You
This workshop exclusive offer ends Friday 9th September @ 9PM NZST
“I’ve already sold 2 packages at my new rates so that’s $10k I’ve made from Nail Your Pricing™️ just like that."
“I reckon I made an extra $20k from what I’ve learned in Nail Your Pricing™️.”
Maria Cafer - The Human Factor
“I'm set to increase my profit by at least 50% and with a goal to double it by next year! thanks to Nail Your Pricing™️!"
Adria Green - Grahn Creative

“This programme feels life-changing. I have taken on two new clients using my healthy charge out rate. I was able to price the packages in a way that suited their needs but was also manageable for me. It's so freeing to be earning MORE money for doing the same amount of work. “
MEGAN Hallier - Just Peachy Digital
"Nail Your Pricing, it's helped me - I can't tell you how much! Her spreadsheets are so good - dead easy to use, and the Q&A is invaluable.
I've been able to pay myself for the first time ever. This is a real game changer!"
Lynda Fulton, Food Safety NZ

"I now feel so confident and clear on what I need to be charging and why.
Natalie really cares about your journey with her and will make sure you understand everything that she talks about and how it all fits together. It was a very worthwhile investment in my business to work with her.”
Leeann Bassett - Face Up Now
If you haven't clicked that 'JOIN NOW' button yet,
you might be thinking...
How do the live Q&A’s work? How often are they? Do we need to be there? What happens if I can’t make it?The live group review and Q&A sessions happen weekly - one for each step in my 6 Step Profitable Pricing Process that we'll be working through together. We meet remotely via Zoom and you’ll be sent the invite to the reoccurring session in advance. While it’s not a requirement to attend these sessions, it is highly recommended in order to get the most out of our time together (plus it’s your chance to “pick my brains” with over 20 years of business experience!) Our live Q&As Reviews are your chance to get personal feedback from me on all your work so you can be confident it’s right, as well as get all your questions answered. Live Q&A Reviews are also a great opportunity to learn from other business owners who are going through a similar experience as you. Often they ask the question you didn’t even know you wanted answering! Our Live Group Reviews happen on Wednesdays @ 10:30am NZT and Thursdays @ 12pm NZT. If additional session are needed, these will happen on Fridays. And If you can’t make a session then you can submit a question in advance and I will answer it live. You’ll then receive the replay link within 24hours.
I’ve taken other courses before and never really gotten much out of them. Why is Nail Your Pricing any different?I love that you’re asking that question and wanting to make sure you get real results from your money and time investment. I understand how disappointing it can be to have invested in a course and feel like you’ve not gotten much out of it. I’ve so been there and it’s pretty frustrating So I’ve designed Nail Your Pricing a little differently to your usual “online course”. You know the ones, where you’re left to work it out on your own, with no support or accountability. Instead, we’re gonna be doing this together! Yes, you and me, live each week, working through your pricing step-by-step. And because we work through one step each week you get the accountability you need to get the work DONE and see results. But the reality is, like most things in life, you get out what you put in. Just because you put a number in a spreadsheet doesn’t mean it suddenly shows up in your bank account (oh! How I wish!) However, do the work, start putting it into practice and you’ll see the results! And if you don’t, message me. We’ll jump on a call to work it out, no charge. Because YOU are worth it. Here’s what past clients have to say: “This programme feels life-changing. I have taken on two new clients using my healthy charge out rate. I was able to price the packages in a way that suited their needs but was also manageable for me. It's so freeing to be earning MORE money for doing the same amount of work.“ -Megan Hallier - Just Peachy Digital “I’ve paid myself more in last 12 months than previous three years COMBINED” Candice Baker - The Marketing Baker “No more hesitating, second guessing myself and working for free. Every month I can see what I've earnt and how much of that is MY salary! Now I feel I have a viable business and I provide a valuable service!” Jessica Brown - Jessica Brown Designs “I’ve increased my salary by 30% from just making one change (and without putting my prices up)” Kimberly Garside - All Smilez Art "I recon I've made another $20,000 a year from what I've learned in this experience.” Louise Blakely - Hooked On Marketing "I used to hate looking at numbers, but these calculators are a game changer... It’s one of the best purchases I’ve made for my business" Sally Tudhope - The Web Dev Company “Nailing my pricing has meant that I have found my confidence in myself, and that is priceless” Sel Leigh - Leigh Development
I’m not very good with numbers and spreadsheets. Will I be able to do this?First of all, let me reassure you, you’re not alone! Lots of my clients didn’t feel confident with numbers or spreadsheets either! But many have commented just how easy they find the tools and are grateful to have a system they can use! All my calculators have been designed to be “plug-and-play” - meaning you put in what you want, and the calculator will do the rest - no more math or tricky formulas for you! In fact, using my tools is more like entering information into a form than a spreadsheet (because I am also a design, as well as numbers geek!) But the best part is, you don’t have to figure it out on your own. I will walk you through, step-by-step, how to use each and every tool, and answer any questions you have, and actually review your work and your pricing - I’m there to hold your hand all the way so you feel confident using these tools now and in the future. It's actually a lot more straightforward than you think!
I’m so busy, I’m not sure I’ll have enough time. What’s the time commitment?I understand what it’s like when you’re so busy you barely have time to stop and think! But staying in that place is a recipe for burn out! And no business (or healthy lifestyle) can grow from burnout. So at some point you need to break the cycle. And this is the step that can do that, BUT it is a commitment. To yourself. Your business. And your loved ones. If you can set aside an hour for our group review session and then just 15 minutes a day to do the work, you can get this done! And when you get your pricing right, not only do you make more money, but you also get more time back for you, AND have the funds to start to outsource, again freeing you up. Nothing is going to change until you do something different. So the sooner you get your pricing right the sooner you’ll get your life back too.
I’ve been in business a while and my pricing is fine, what will I learn from this?First of all, massive congrats on achieving that milestone - not everyone does. And it says so much about you and your commitment to make your biz a success! You’re clearly doing so much right! And you're in the right place. Many of my clients have been in business for 10+years. The skills they learned in Nail Your Pricing helped them to redesign their business AND their lifestyle, freeing them up from the hustle and grind, while helping them exceed their personal financial goals. Because Nail Your Pricing isn’t just about “pricing”. It’s about creating a lifestyle that works for yourself and your loved ones, while creating a business that’s truly satisfying and financially rewarding - whatever shape it takes. So as the saying goes, the best time to nail your pricing is when you first start out. The second best time is now.
I’m not making much money yet, so I’m not sure I can afford it. Should I wait until I’m making a bit more?First of all I love that you’re asking this question! That tells me you want to make the right decisions for you and your business! And ultimately you know your finances better than anyone else. If you have to choose between paying for rent/food and investing in your biz, then please, look after yourself first and foremost! But if this investment just sounds like a scary number to invest in your biz, or you’re not making that in your biz yet, then it doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t invest. Because unlike lots of other “shiny” investments and courses out there that may or may not bring a return, when you invest in help to Nail Your Pricing™, you’re almost guaranteed to see results. Many of my clients have made their money back within weeks of adjusting their prices. However most make their money back within 90 days of implementing what they learn in Nail Your Pricing™ But, look at it this way, if you make just $500 extra in a month from what you learn in this experience, you’ll have made your money back within 6 months. If you make an extra $1000 a month, then you’ve made your money back in less than three! AFTER THAT, EVERYTHING ELSE IS “CREAM’ ON TOP FOR YOU! And often while working LESS hours. As my clients have found, the sooner you get your pricing sorted the quicker you start to see returns. So the question becomes, can you afford NOT to get your pricing sorted?
I haven’t started my business yet, can I still join?Absolutely! Getting your business planning right from the beginning can save you a lot of time, money and energy! Plus the tools and the skills you’ll learn will set you up for every phase of your business journey. However, to get the most out of Nail Your Pricing you need to have a clear view on what services you will offer and have decent experience delivering them (for example as a contractor, employee, or previous business). Here’s a quick checklist to see if this is right for you: You know what services you want to start offering (even if these may change later) You’ve done your market research so you know there’s a genuine market for your planned services. You already have experience delivering this type of service (for example as an employee or contractor), so you know how to get results You’re ready to launch your biz and you want it to be profitable as soon as. If you ticked those boxes then Nail Your Pricing would be a powerful next step for you. However if you’re embarking on a new industry/skill or you’re still exploring what your services will be, then now might not be the right time for this investment. Instead, I recommend first getting a couple of clients to build up your confidence and experience and then let’s talk about how to get your pricing nailed too. If you’re still not sure, book in a time to chat and let’s work it out together
I have a product based business. Can I use this to work out my pricing?Nail Your Pricing is designed specifically for service based businesses - ie. businesses selling their time or their expertise (or both). Unfortunately pricing for product-based businesses works differently to that of services, and isn’t covered by Nail Your Pricing.
I have a small team working for me, will this help me price up them as well?Nail Your Pricing is designed specifically for solopreneurs - aka where YOU are the main income earner for your biz. If you already have, or are building a team of people to help deliver your services then you need my 1:1 Profit Intensive For Small Businesses. This is where we will price up each of your team members so they are generating reliable, repeatable profit meaning YOU can stop working on client work and focus on managing your team and growing your biz. Book in a time here to check if this is right for you.
I’m already working with a Business Coach / Sales Coach, why would I need this as well?Great question! So many of the clients I work with are already working with (or planning to work with) a business coach as well. In fact I have a lot of business coaches that actually REFER clients to me while they’re still working with them! Nail Your Pricing is not a replacement for a business coach - it’s a powerful tool that helps you get even more from your coaching relationship! That’s because it takes the guesswork out of: what you need to charge for your services What your best core offering is to grow your biz profitably Where you need to position yourself in the market How many services you actually need to sell to pay yourself a decent salary without working stupid hours. Now that is one powerful brief to take to a business or sales coach! Once you’ve completed Nail Your Pricing you can then work with your business or sales coach to make it all happen! (And you’ll know how to budget for all the support you need so you can actually afford it!) Honestly, I love it when a client is already working with a business coach. It means they’re prepared to invest in themselves and get the ongoing accountability and support they need to get lasting results. And I know a number of business coaches who love it when clients have worked with me as they can direct THEIR clients back to my tools and methods for sorting out their pricing to ensure they're profitable FIRST and then they can help them focus on the selling. Pricing and Sales are like two sides to the business coin - you need both to be working together to get real results. And that’s what Nail Your Pricing helps you to do!
Maybe I'll wait a little longer. When will the next intake be?This is the last time I will be running Nail Your Pricing for this year. At this stage I don't have plans to run Nail Your Pricing again, so if this has been on your 'To Do List" for some time, THIS is the intake you need. So sign up today and get started straight away!
If I change my mind, can I get my money back?Unfortunately there are no refunds available for this experience. However if you show up, do the work, put it in place and you're still not seeing the results, message me - we’ll jump on a call and trouble-shoot it together. No charge. That's my commitment to you. Because YOU are worth it. Still unsure this is right for you? book in a time to chat and let’s work it out together.
I have a question not answered here. Where can I ask it?Easy! Just book in a time to chat and get all your questions answered. Find the time that works best for you here . Just remember that doors are only open for a limited time so if you have more questions or want to check this is right for you, book in a time to talk NOW so you don't miss your chance.
Gets Results!

“I feel so much more confident about putting a price on my services. There's no more guesswork involved and since I have worked out exactly what it costs...I no longer feel like I should give discounts. Nail Your Pricing was worth every penny!“
- Treena Pitham - Octopus Admin

"Natalie’s methods are very relevant to creatives and having someone with her industry knowledge and agency experience was exactly what I needed to help refine my processes and pricing.
She’s also one of the few people who offers these sorts of services who really understands and appreciates the detail and deadlines that’s involved. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to others, in fact I already have!
Emma Baker - Emma Baker Photography
“I was able to charge what I was worth from the beginning, thanks to Nail Your Pricing. My pricing is now on point with all the number crunching behind it...I’m now VERY clear on exactly what I need to do to achieve my financial goals. It’s so good!”
Rebekah Holmes - The Ship Shape Shoppe

“No more hesitating, second guessing myself and working for free. Every month I can see what I've earnt and how much of that is MY salary! Now I feel I have a viable business and I provide a valuable service!”
Jessica Brown - Jessica Brown Designs
“I now know how to create predictable and systemised packages, even where I felt none could be created. I now feel more confident in the value of my work and have a clear system for scoping new (and profitable) projects.”
Christine Sheehy - Christine Sheehy & Co

It’s 100% possible to create a profitable, scalable, and successful business. One where you get to do what you love, working the way YOU want.
And I’d be privileged to show you how.
One Payment of
(excl GST/Tax)
13 Weekly Installments of just
(excl GST/Tax)